Safety Measures To Be Taken While Engaging in Airsoft Games
Guest Post
Who doesn’t love a good game of paintball? One of many variations of airsoft games, this format is most popular in cities, which have limited space for outdoor games. Airsoft games in the traditional sense occupy large open spaces and are often organized in the countryside, for reasons of convenience as well as safety. No matter what the kind of airsoft game – paintball or war game – or the format – king of the hill, military simulation, deathmatch, capture the flag, or escort – there is a uniform set of safety measures that needs to be in place before the first shot is fired.
Equipment: Airsoft Sniper Rifles, Electric Airsoft Guns, BB Guns
First and foremost, care should be taken that the best and most reliable equipment is being used while engaging in airsoft games. It is fairly simple to purchase reliable yet cheap BB Guns in the UK. However, since the guns are capable of firing at speeds anywhere between 275 feet per second and 600 feet per second, it is imperative that the correct sort of ammunition (plastic pellets, either of the hard or the ‘sticky’ variety) is purchased and loaded in them.
Most jurisdictions have some legislation relating to air guns, which treat those of certain specifications in the same manner as firearms. Organizers should ensure that only airsoft guns which do not fall under such categories are supplied to players. Before play begins, players should be taught how to use each weapon in their arsenal, whether it is a airsoft sniper rifle, a BB gun, machine gun or pistol.
Clothing: Padded Safety Gear
Any person who wishes to engage in airsoft games must necessarily wear the correct safety gear. Clothing already worn should ideally cover as much skin as possible. It is advisable to wear jeans and clothes of similarly thick material. This is because areas not protected by the padded safety gear, if hit by BB gun ammunition, while unlikely to cause serious injury, may bruise. Over and above padded chest pads and other similar ‘armor’, players should also be provided with sufficiently protective helmets and reinforced eye wear to avoid accidental injury to the head or eyes.
Play Protocol: Rules of the Game
Players must take care to familiarize themselves with and then follow the rules of whichever variation of airsoft game they are playing. Some games allow for hand-to-hand combat in addition to shooting with airsoft sniper guns, BB guns and the like. In these situations, players must not use excessive force, which could result in injury. The key is to ‘deactivate’ or ‘kill’ an opponent either by scoring a direct hit to a vital area (head or chest) or simulating a knife kill, if allowed, by tapping the same areas. Once a kill has been established, players should move on to the next target or goal.
If these safety measures are in place, airsoft games can be indulged in without any worries about the personal safety of the players, who can engage fully with the nitty-gritty of the recreational sport.
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