OHS Harmonisation and Contractors
From Graham Dent’s Harmonization Group on Linkedin – see it here
If you don’t have any real background in the area, i.e. management of the OHS aspects of contractors, take a look at these publications which give you an introduction to the principles and process around contractor management.
These are Comcare documents (and one SafeWork Australia reference) and therefore largely focus on “government” procurement etc but the principles are equally applicable to the private sector. You will also find a range of information resources on other regulator web sites.
► OHS in contractor management
This guidance provides key points to consider before, during and after the engagement of contractors and how to manage OHS through the contract to ensure workplace safety outcomes.
OHS in contractor management is a complex issue that has a number of variables impacting on employer and contractor obligations. How a contractor is engaged, under what circumstances, who the contractor is, where the contractor is working, who has control of the site and even the type of work being conducted are only some of the issues employers need to be aware of and address through the contract process itself.
► Contractor management in procurement
One way for [business] to contribute to reducing the incidence of workplace death and injury, is by ensuring people or organisations contracted to provided services or property have a strong OHS management system and a demonstrated commitment to safety.
By ensuring that health and safety requirements are clearly identified in specification documents, several key messages are conveyed:
OHS is a priority in conducting business, including engaging contractors
contractors are required to demonstrate an effective OHS Management system
contractors are required to comply with contract specific OHS requirements
who is responsible for the contract activities
how safety issues will be dealt with during the contract
Continued at: http://www.comcare.gov.au/forms__and__publications/fact_sheets/contractor_management_in_procurement
And see:
► Guidance on OHS in Government Procurement –
and finally:
► Outcomes from the OHS in Contractor Management workshops
which provides a summary of issues identified in a Comcare workshop series which, although devoid of its original context still provides a useful list of issues for consideration.
Available here: http://www.comcare.gov.au/safety__and__prevention/managing_OHS/ohs_in_contractor_management/outcomes_from_the_ohs_in_contractor_management_workshops
THESE WILL ALL NEED TO BE READ from 1 Jan 2012 with the Model WHS changes in mind which will add issues around consultation, representation, certain protections for contractors and other aspects but will not alter the fundamentals.
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