New Women in Safety Networking Group
Um… apologies to The Brotherhood but some of the best Safety People/Leaders/Consultants I have worked with have been women! Not sure if purely co-incidental or they just have superior intellect, empathy, intuition, organisational skills, greater attention to detail, better risk appreciation, ability to influence or can multi-task etc – probably all of those things?? Anyway there is a new networking group on LinkedIn that our female readers may be interested in:
New Women in Safety Networking Group
"For any Women in Safety who want to discuss challenges, barriers or a way forward for Safety, pop on over to the new networking group for Women in Safety. Spread the word and lets make a change in Safety!"
Not sure is there is an equivalent one for blokes or even if anyone would dare start one
I just found out that ASSE have a sub-group called Women in Safety Engineering (WISE) –
And…………you can download their SHE Book here:
Do you have any thoughts? Please share them below