Introduction to The Social Psychology of Risk
Free Online Module – Second Offering
The Centre for Leadership and Learning in Risk (CLLR – ) is pleased to make Module One An Introduction to The Social Psychology of Risk (SPoR) Free and available to those who want to commit to the study. This course is also complemented by the free download of Book One in the series Risk Makes Sense ( and the training manual.
This module has been offered before and the first cohort is in the midst of completing the 10 session study.
You can read about an introduction to SPoR here:
If you wish to be part of this second cohort group you will need to pay attention to the following:
· The group will meet on Zoom weekly for 10 weeks at 10am each Wednesday morning at 10am Australian EST from 24 June 2020.
· DO NOT register if you are not prepared to join in the meetings, watch the video set (25 videos), complete tasks, complete a reflection journal and read readings.
· Those who complete the 10 session program will be awarded a Certificate in SPoR from the Centre for Leadership and Learning in Risk. (example of certificate below)
· Registrations will close on 5 June 2020 with a limit of 50 students. There are already 30 registrations.
· Freeloaders are quickly eliminated from the program.
If you register for this module your details will be used to invite you to the first Zoom Webinar hosted by Dr Long on 24 June 2020 at 10am (EST Australia).
Register by email to: or here:
Studies will commence on 8 June by receiving the Introduction letter, a selection of readings and commencing watching the video series. All details will be sent to the cohort group on 6 June.
If you register you will receive an email including:
· Training Manual
· The link to the video series and pw
· A welcome letter with study information
Once you get access to the Module Showcase you will see 25 videos. You will be expected to do some readings and watch at least the first 7 videos before the first Zoom seminar. If you have any questions please email:
Do you have any thoughts? Please share them below