Free OHS Templates
“Everything OHS” offer the following free OHS Templates on their website HERE
They also offer a complete OHS Manual including policies and procedures designed for small to medium businesses!!! This is not free but is very reasonably priced
OHS Templates are samples of commonly used forms that may be of use with the management of your health and safety system. The list of some of their documents is below and more can be found on their website HERE. They can be used at your discretion and no sign up or registration is required (we like that!).
Risk Assessment
- Basic inspection calendar (XLS 21.0 kb)A great basic inspection calendar to keep a track of when your inspections are due.
- Basic workplace inspection checklist (XLS 28.5 kb)A basic workplace inspection checklist to help identify hazards.
Hazard Management
- Basic hazard register (XLS 25.0 kb)A basic hazard register to keep track of identified hazards.
- Job Safety Analysis (JSA) (PDF 16.2 kb)A great tool to break down hazards associated with specific tasks.
- Risk scoring worksheet (DOC 60.5 kb)A great risk scoring tool to assist with measuring the risk and prioritising the controls.
General Checklists and Registers
- A Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Register for Employees (DOC 40.0 kb)A PPE register to keep track of what has been issued to staff and when.
- Basic Induction Checklist (DOC 34.0 kb)A basic induction checklist used to inform new staff members of the workplace.
- Contractor/Visitor Attendance Record (DOC 35.0 kb)A contractor/visitor attendance record to keep track of who enters the workplace and when.
- Employee qualification and licence record (DOC 30.5 kb)An employee qualification and licence record form to keep track of employees licences and when they expire.
- Forklift Pre Operation Checklist (DOT 97.0 kb)A forklift pre operation checklist with all the basic checks that must be completed each day by the forklift operator and kept for audit purposes.
- Record of OHS meetings (DOC 50.0 kb)A form to keep minutes of OHS meetings
- Signage Audit Tool (DOC 40.5 kb)A signage audit tool is used to identify signage requirements in the workplace.
- Training Attendance Record (DOC 39.0 kb)A training attendance record is important to keep as it confirms staff have been trained.
General Information
Free guides and information to assist with managing your health and safety.
- A ‘How to Guide’ – To Setup A Workstation (PDF 216.6 kb)A great easy to understand guide on how to setup a workstation to be ergonomically compliant.
- OHS Harmonisation – Your Questions Answered! (PDF 188.5 kb)The new national harmonisation legislation will come into effect on the 1st January 2012. The attached Q&A has been put together to assist businesses understand what it all means. The information has been sourced from Workplace Health and Safety QLD and WorkSafe.
- Sample OHS Manual (PDF 672.7 kb)This is a sample of the OHS Manual. Please note that this is not a sample of the full manual.
- Working in Cold Environments (PDF 185.2 kb)The hazards associated with working in cold environments and some strategies to manage the risks.
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