Focus on “Must Do” Behaviors Not “Don’t Do” Behaviors
Interesting article by Phil LaDuke
When organizations try to change their cultures to one that places a higher value on worker safety they often focus on “thou shall not…” statements. In this post I focus on how the organizations with the highest positive performance tend to focus on what they want versus what they don’t want. Sharing a compelling vision of success begins with defining the desired behaviors the organization demands of ALL it’s people from the C+ executives to the temps and contractors.
I hope you will read this post and tell me what you think. SEE THE WHOLE ARTICLE HERE
So while this won’t be one of my notorious anti-BBS rants, I have learned a lot about behaviors and how they are viewed within organizations.
The most successful organizations don’t focus on UNSAFE behaviours, rather they focus on guiding behaviors—those expectations of behavior that govern the way people interact, and these behaviours are a) positive and b) transcend any one industry. In broad strokes, the most successful (and by that I mean those organizations with a demonstrable commitment to worker safety; I’ve found that the companies who legitimately care about worker safety also tend to be the most successful according to other criteria for success (financial, sustainability, etc.).
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