The AIHS yesterday were thrilled to announce their new Diamond Sponsor!
For the mere sum of $11,000.00 your Sponsorship can be promoted by the peak body for Safety in Australia!
But in all the Governance documents on the AIHS website nothing about what the AIHS as an organisation, holds as an Ethic and Ontological for guidance in regard to sponsorship. (AIHS Governance Documents)
So, what does it mean when someone becomes a sponsor of the AIHS? What are the requirements after a cheque is passed? Is it good governance or good business? What are the criteria that makes a good sponsor? What are the mutual obligations of such a contract? What Due Diligence is undertaken regarding conflict of interest? What trade-offs are made in who promotes who?
I can go even further and ask about patronage! The main patron (GG) swore the previous Prime Minister in to multiple portfolios without letting anyone know!
So, Safety now demands particular behaviours from its practitioners membership (AIHS Policy and Related Publications), but what about its corporate membership? Is this for commercial gain? What Due Diligence surrounds the acceptance of a Corporate Membership? Do they have to be top tiered, ISO45001 accredited?
So now we have a Diamond sponsor, that infers a product deemed ‘the Best’? Is a diamond tier product better than silver tier product? Do members in association support the zero propaganda associated with both association and Diamond member?
Check your semiotics now!
Do all AIHS members have to accept these products as the ‘best’? Are they obliged to preference them? (eg. Usability Mapping) Is Corporate Membership given more weight in product comparison?
Does the AIHS monitor the Safety records and ethical conduct of these organisations?
So, Diamonds are valuable, but what does the AIHS value?
Social Psychology of Risk (SPoR) has taken to the time to understand what preceded it.
SPoR doesn’t seek sponsorship, and it has a very clearly articulated Ethic.
SPoR is a Positive, Practical and Semiotic way of Tackling Risk.
SPoR gives access to its research via free Online Books, videos and podcasts
Matt Thorne from Risk Diversity and the Centre for Leadership and Learning in Risk (CLLR) is offering a free two hour SPoR Methods workshop for Organisational Leadership Teams.
In this workshop He will demonstrate how to use SPoR Methods to improve Risk Intelligence (iCue) and Organisational Culture.
If you or your organisation are interested in a 2-hour online workshop, please contact:
Matthew Thorne
Executive Director
Mobile: 0413 771 723
Address: Suite 32, T8Tonsley, 6 MAB Eastern Promenade, Tonsley, SA, 5042
Rob Long says
A sure recipe for conflict of interest. But no matter. The AIHS deontological ethic allows for the ends to justify the means. So, it doesn’t matter who you get in bed with as long as they are paying customers. Zero vision indeed!