When it comes to semiotics (symbol systems) and safety it seems that the most insulting and stupid memes (https://safetyrisk.net/culture-silences-in-safety-memes/) get first preference (https://safetyrisk.net/meerkat-safety-can-it-get-more-dumb/ ). Such memes can only emerge out of a culture of superiority and ignorance, something that Safety cultivates through a love of objects (https://safetyrisk.net/aihs-bares-its-sole/) and objectifying persons.
There are so many stupid memes in safety it’s hard to keep up. I get sent dozens each month and this demonstrates the culture of Safety, that views everyone as stupid except them. Only Safety knows best. Only Safety is smart. Workers are dumb and reckless (the favourite saying of Heinrich). This is a common message. No wonder Safety harms people (https://safetyrisk.net/ohs-voices-from-the-resistance-rosa-carrillo/). This pre-occupation with harming others is clearly a mental health disorder (https://safetyrisk.net/how-not-to-view-mental-health-and-safety/), so well enabled by the demonising ideology of zero (https://www.humandymensions.com/product/zero-the-great-safety-delusion/).
When you think its clever to portray workers as dumb chooks, you know that arrogance and superiority is on fill show. I was sent this this week from WA.
Poor old workers, so dumb they can’t get out of the rain. Poor old workers so dumb they have to be TOLD to get in the shed. In Australia, we call chickens ‘chooks’ and this symbol above is used to associate the size of a chickens brain to that of a worker. No wonder Union membership is in decline.
Of course, when you want to keep workers safe obviously, semiotics doesn’t matter. Obviously, unconscious messaging doesn’t penetrate the unconscious of workers.
The symbolism of chickens has a long history and carries many meanings (https://worldbirds.com/chicken-symbolism/). In this case, and in typical focus of safety on brain-centrism (https://safetyrisk.net/mindfulness-is-not-brain-fullness-and-other-psychosocial-myths/; https://safetyrisk.net/the-brain-as-computer-myth/), it is the pea-brain that is amplified. The other theme in this meme is of course the most popular activity of Safety, telling (https://safetyrisk.net/telling-the-safety-way/)!
Linked to the addiction to telling is the other favourite activity of Safety – shaming (https://safetyrisk.net/zero-and-systemic-shame/). Poor dumb chooks, can’t get out of the rain, poor pea-brained workers.
Poor chook, smart enough to put on a hard-hat, but too dumb to get out of the rain. Goodness me, who thinks of this stuff for the CFMEU? Pay your union dues and, purchase arrogance by the bucket load.
If you are interested in positive messaging, culture and semiotics, delivered in a constructive and intelligent method (https://www.humandymensions.com/product/spor-and-semiotics/ ), you can study here: https://cllr.com.au/
Tony Jenkins says
WorkSafe has the same thinking.
Rob Long says
Absolutely. Safety cultivates arrogance and ignorance in equal proportion and the Regulator is the best example of both.