Believe the Impossible and Speak Nonsense to People
The next comedy moment is brought to you by zero vision, Hans-Horst Konkolewsky — President International ORP Foundation, Vision Zero Ambassador ( Just listen to the language:
· ‘Young movement’
· ‘Share same belief’
· ‘All accidents, diseases and harming work can be prevented’
And here’s the kicker: ‘If people come first’.
Of course the denial of human fallible personhood is the key to zero vision and by placing a number as you goal, any language that follows can only ever be unethical. There is no way one can speak the language of zero and place persons first. The language of the goal determines anything that follows framed by a number.
This video is about the ‘zero vision digital’ the new propaganda machine for zero vision ideology. Zero is never happy until all fall under its religious grip and more ‘believers’ join the cult. The ideology is only happy when its evangelical fervour is complete.
This will be all brought together in May in Spain where the next Hillsong believers cult meeting will occur. Expect more global gobbledygook from the AIHS and fellow cultists ( as they try to juggle the unethical demands of this ideology. How funny that the ‘global by-line’ commands the complete framing of the Spain Congress and seeks ‘belief’ in zero. You can see now the AIHS acolytes in Spain waving and dancing to the global by-line. BTW, there is no mention of an ‘ethic of care’ or ‘Care Ethics’ in the AIHS BoK Chapter on non-ethics.
The unfortunate by-product of drawing your attention to this video is that it will boost its number of hits, probably another mindless way Zero will score success.
There are already a number of videos collecting on this new propaganda site for zero vision (
Perhaps look at the next one for a laugh. Soon the site will be known as ‘the comedy hour’.
In the next video ( Helmut Ehnes, ISSA Mining Secretary General, starts by issuing ‘statement of faith’ claims and lists all the beliefs required to adhere to the cult of zero.
Then the video continues to talk about ‘the care’ of others when we know that the language of zero mitigates against care. Zero is the ideology of brutalism. If one is interested in Care Ethics ( then one is following an ethic in complete opposition to the deontological ethic proposed by the AIHS BoK idea of non-ethics ( ).
The propaganda in this video flows like the previous one with claims that zero motivates, when we know it de-motivates. 90% of all safety practitioners do NOT believe in zero (
The best way to alienate a safety person is to force them to be immersed in this nonsense ideology. The propaganda of zero ensures that the sector is divided and fragmented and is why so many do not join the current cultic focus of the industry. A great way to keep numbers of members low and ensure that safety remains an un-professional backwater is to promote zero.
Of course in this video, we see the semiotic backdrop of the three zeros, the holy trinity of the ideology. The language is all about numbers, all about metrics, masked as some absurd ‘belief’ in care. The video suggests that when you have zero vision you can innovate, more laughs coming.
When your language is framed by zero there cannot be learning or innovation. There can be no envisioning of risk from the ideology of zero ( Just listen to the language of anyone presenting the ideology of zero and its about keeping everything the same, just doing more of what doesn’t work.
Poor olde Safety still thinks that the framing of injury rates is the determination of safety. The absence of negatives doesn’t demonstrate the presence of positives.
One of the most important things that must happen about this continued push of zero ideology by ISSA is NOT to join it. The last thing any safety person should do is support this grand delusion.
If you want to improve safety so that people matter and so that ethical practice is pursued, then you have to move away from zero so that safety improves ( ). This is demonstrated time and time again by case studies in organizations that do so and is documented in the latest book: It Works! A New Approach to Risk and Safety. ( ).
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