It is always easy to claim something a ‘self-evident truth’ (Heinrich p. 12) in safety, when this is just nonsense speak. This is the stuff of myth ( Safety makes many claims like Heinrich does and they are simply not true and are not supported by evidence. Indeed, the opposite is the case. For example, Heinrich claims his work is ‘science’ when it was not, furthermore Heinrich had no expertise in science ( Yet, this doesn’t stop Safety, that loves to fill its text books with mythical dominoes and concocted pyramids that are not true.
Always be careful when Safety makes claims to truth such as we see in the HOP 5 principles ( Of course, these 5 principles are not ‘truths’ and can easily be proven false with evidence. For example, the statement ‘blame fixes nothing’ is not true because the court system demonstrates the opposite. The evidence? When a court finds blame/fault it invokes actions based upon its findings. Then those at fault/blame are ordered to fix what they have been blamed for. This is the foundation of how the legal systems works. Blame fixes things. The statement is false.
So we see in these two examples (evidence), in the culture of safety evidence doesn’t seem to matter, let’s just believe Heinrich anyway because his arguments suit the assumption of the industry. There is simply no evidence that anything Heinrich claimed was true. Indeed, his book is mostly psychological babble from an insurance salesman with no expertise in psychology. But we already know about the culture of safety, where engineers can present lectures in ethics and learning (
So, let’s have a look at more evidence. The claim that ‘zero works’ is a projection. There is no evidence that zero works! Neither is there a philosophy to explain what ‘works’ means. What we see in the language of zero vision is projections, assertions and propaganda ( Zero is not a method and so it cannot ‘work’! One can only assess if a method works by its outcomes and nowhere does the ideology of zero demonstrate a method. Indeed, zero is an ideology and it doesn’t work! ( The three books published by SPoR against the ideology of zero are loaded with evidence why zero doesn’t ‘work’.
If something claims to ‘work’ but treats humans unethically, immorally and de-humanises persons, then it doesn’t ‘work’. If you remove ethical responsibility from any method then it cannot be claimed to ‘work’.
We also see in zero propaganda claims to being ‘transformational’ but there is no evidence of any transformation ( ). What you read in documents like this are claims without evidence, projections to affirm an ideology. Then a checklist is put forward and all these ‘7 Golden Rules’ are just traditional safety. Any basic work in Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) or Linguistics will demonstrate that this stuff is just propaganda. The trouble is, in safety there is no study of either Linguistics or CDA. If there is, please give me evidence where these are part of a safety curriculum.
Any research in propaganda will demonstrate risk and safety operates:
Indoctrination is NOT education, just as training is NOT learning. One can assert all one wants but any claim to truth requires evidence set against the philosophy of the claim. Pretty challenging when the safety industry either doesn’t know its philosophy or never articulates it.
However, in SPoR we always provide evidence for claims. Often most blogs include links to research or data supporting argument. Unfortunately, we also find that many don’t really read the blog but read into the blog what they want to argue. And, we never receive questions of clarification, it’s always telling about how SPoR is wrong, usually from sources who don’t know what SPoR is.
For example, in the blog Safety=Zero ( there were 14 pieces of very clear and distinct evidence to support the argument and the proposition of the blog. But apparently, there was no evidence???
Unfortunately, in safety there is no study of Historiography, the nature of evidence or what propaganda/indoctrination are. But somehow this doesn’t seem to matter to Safety where engineers claim to be historians and mythologists.
One thing we do know, if there is a fatality at work, we don’t call Safety for help, we call an expert in the law. And this professional is someone who knows what evidence is.
Those who study Historiography know what evidence is and the Hierarchy of Evidence. They know that primary evidence is more reliable that opinion. They know that secondary evidence is not as reliable as eye-witness testimony. And in the coronial and judiciary enquiries I have been in, it is testimony not paperwork that wins the day.
Most of the time, the paper systems organisations think is effective, are used against you in court. Your paper systems are often used as evidence of non-compliance with your own systems (
This is why our video series Risk Conversations is so powerful ( In this series of videos we roll out countless case studies and evidence to show that many fundamental beliefs in safety are myth!
If you want to know about evidence and Jurisprudence perhaps you could start here:
In SPoR, most blogs include extensive evidence and research in support of argument. SPoR philosophy is articulated in many places. Similarly, all the books (for free download) are also jam packed with evidence in support of claims. Indeed, the book It Works, A New Approach to Risk and Safety ( is a complete book of evidence of how SPoR works in a global organisation. The only evidence better than this would be to write to Brian Darlington for his personal testimony of how SPoR works. The evidence is overwhelming.
Rob Long says
Carsten, you clearly don’t understand the nature of an Archetype or myth, so no wonder you call it a ‘rant’.
Carsten says
What would you prefer it to call it? A “self-evident” truth about “safety”? I think it’s a shame that the valuable things of your writing so easily get lost or distracted by the the way you say them.
Rob long says
Carsten, Your interpretation of what you dont know is evident in your performative understanding. How interesting that my expression of something is deemed negative but you resort to negative expression when you express it. Says a great deal about your hermeneutic. A shame you would rather the negative than ask a question
Carsten says
Thanks for reminding me. I am still waiting for evidence on the “three minds” thing. Thanks!
Rob Long says
Thanks for the question. I was unaware it had been asked previously. Always happy to email or chat if you have an open question for learning.
Carsten says
Why not make an article out of it so others can benefit? The question is: what is the “three minds” model based on, and what support is there? In recent years, I have grown critical of Kahneman’s dual system and it’s support is shaky. SO I was wondering whether “three minds” has a more solid foundation.
Rob Long says
Carsten, I have written so much on this and presented so much on this I doubt anything more would contribute much. The trouble is, most in safety want to believe whatever conforms to their faith. The support for 1B3M is extensive across many disciplines. I have been researching it for 40 years. I have my own research evidence across my key disciplines. So, I just leave it out there for those who want to learn but there’s very little thirst for learning in safety.
There are many critics of Kahneman and his theory doesn’t make sense. Anyone with expertise in learning knows that human learning is not fast and slow but developmental. I have written against Kahneman on several occasions. Then again, Safety believes what it wants to believe, not where the best evidence resides. Safety is so selective in what it wants to believe again, to make its faith fit its own mythology. The myth then becomes the lens that creates an alternate reality.
Why would a behavioral economist like Kahneman have any expertise in learning? Similarly, religion, social psychology, semiotics, ethnology or ethics. A Transdisciplinary and triangulated research base is a much better foundation to study these things. But if you want to write a best selling book that suits a binary worldview, he certainly did that.
Admin says
did you see this article?
Carsten says
Thanks, I read the new article (shame it’s framed in yet another rant about the mythical entity called “safety”). Appreciate the many sources and have downloaded a selection for further study.
Dear Rob,
I agree on your reflections about Heinrich, you are not the first in speaking on it, and more and more people understand the fails of Heinrich´s explanations (and the inconsistent “axioms) and few critics recognise the virtues of the pioner. The same agree for HOP , I have made conference presentations regarding HOP limitations and the unique advantage I recognise “to energize the discussion about safety management around the world”.
Regarding evidence around zero: I am not specialty devote of zero, I I do not hate zero, Zero movement is a commercial one, like many others. Then, I feel you do not show evidence againts zero, in Safety=Zero Culture blog, yes, you show 14 links, 13 links of oppinions and 1 of your survey ( (with ove 4000 respondents) where you show quality graphics from a survey with all intentional questions looking for inducing specific answers (it is my perception). Evidence from you, not validated for third party, is evidence, but not a good evidence, the reader will have to be faith in you (or being affected from a confirmation bias). It is OK for putting the discussion in the field, but you are not apporting evidence as usually one would like be shown. Anyway, any oppinion is welcome.
Rob Long says
Ricardo. You have not asked any questions in any of your contributions and just want to demonstrate all that you don’t know. You don’t know what evidence is and when it is presented you don’t want to believe it. You don’t know what SPoR is and yet want to be critical of it. If you actually want to learn something perhaps write an email. Perhaps ask a question. Otherwise, I have no idea why you respond to these blogs.