Please Don’t Use the ‘F’ Word in Safety
This is how all taboo works. One doesn’t need to create rules for taboo in culture, taboo is managed by unspoken social contract. What a shame Safety is so helpless at applying this capability in reverse.
So, what are these offensive ‘f’ words I’m thinking of. Well, here is a short list, a checklist of sorts. Maybe this could even be turned into a game, let’s call it ‘zero bingo’. Zero bingo would be a tough game to win because the cult doesn’t want these words spoken or to be heard. Do yourself a favour and listen to any zero propaganda, and you won’t hear these naughty ‘f’ words. Such words undermine all the assumptions of the zero cult. There is nothing more offensive in the zero cult than the utterance of an ‘f’ word.
Here they are:
When you are seduced by the zero cult, these are the new swear words that must not be spoken. Each word undermines the assumptions of the cult. When Zero is your ideology, these are the language taboos .
Of course, when these ‘f’ words are part of your language then one knows the reverse is applicable. One knows how to be silent about zero. Understanding the power of language is the key to influencing culture.
The best strategies for moving away from zero so that safety can become effective ( ) Is to be: silent about zero, include all the ‘f’ words in language and discourse, and audit all zero semiotics out of the organisation. Such a simple start soon takes effect and before long safety works. You can read a case study of how this works here:
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