We all speak language unconsciously. This is because language is embodied from birth. We don’t need to think about what to say and process thought/language like a computer. We speak what we want to say most often without thinking. The words come out as we think and most often, we hear what we think, when we hear what we say. It is only rarely when we write that we process language more like computing.
The acquisition of language is one of the many things we study in the Discipline of Linguistics. The behaviourist and computing model of language acquisition was smashed by Chomsky in the 1970s. We don’t’ acquire language by mimicry, copying or repetition. We acquire language initially through the power of gesture connected to sound, embodied movement connected to voice, particularly mother and those in close relationship.
When I was studying to be an English teacher we studied: the nature of language acquisition, language development in children, mouth formation to speech, accent acquisition, the formation of grammar, the shaping of language through gesture, the resonance of language to emotion, how culture shapes language and a host of research on the nature of Linguistics and Semantics. If you want to make a start in understanding language development you can start here:
- The Embodied Development of Language (Fuchs) https://www.researchgate.net/publication/311436117_The_embodied_development_of_language
- Language and Symbolic Power (Bordieau) https://monoskop.org/images/4/43/Bourdieu_Pierre_Language_and_Symbolic_Power_1991.pdf
- Language as a Social Semiotic. The Social Interpretation of Language and Meaning (Halliday) https://archive.org/details/languageassocial0000hall
- Language, Culture and the Embodied Mind, A Developmental Model of Linguaculture Learning (Shaules) https://japanintercultural.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Chaps-1-2-Language-Culture-and-the-Embodied-Mind-.pdf
But this is just the beginning. In my English major (over four years) we didn’t just learn about language we practiced its beauty, mystery and wonder. Language is not Maths and any application of mechanical assumption to the use of language is pure fantasy.
One thing is for sure. If you want to learn about language and develop intelligence about language, you don’t consult Safety (https://safetyrisk.net/linguistic-non-intelligence-with-safety-non-experts/ ). The moronic ignorance of ‘scoring’ language and confusing data as language could only be invented by the ignorance of Safety.
Amongst all the things we studied in Linguistics and Language was where all forms of language, text, speech, discourse, Discourse, writing and paralinguistics are situated.
Language is not just one thing; it is many things and has many forms. The idea that one can select text from a conversation, give it a score and then translate that into something about safety is ludicrous.
Language, text, speech, discourse, Discourse, writing and paralinguistics come in many forms and are all related to each other. This has been mapped for you at Figure 1. Mapping Language.
Figure 1. Mapping Language
You can see from the map, the types of language and forms of language and their relationship to each other. Being able to differentiate between language types is a significant challenge that requires extensive expertise. For example, the kind of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) required to deconstruct language takes years of education and practice. None of this is mentioned in this nonsense article (https://safetyrisk.net/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/Language-Intelligence.pdf) published by Safety about non-intelligence about language. Indeed, their own contradictory discourse in this article is laughable.
This is what happens when Safety makes itself expert in Linguistics, Ethics and Culture.
If you look at this semiotic map, you will see that Myth is central to understanding language and that all forms of language are founded on Hermeneutics (theories of interpretation) and the Metaphors We Live By (https://www.textosenlinea.com.ar/libros/Lakoff%20y%20Johnson%20-%20Metaphors%20We%20Live%20By%20-%201980.pdf).
Any conversation can embody any of these language types in any exchange.
Language is not objective but rather subjective, cultural and situational. The notation of speech, using AI for analysis and NLP are completely irrelevant when it comes to understanding text, language, culture and risk.
AI and computers can never and never will, understand the nuances of human interactions, cultural meaning and human e-motion.
If it hasn’t dawned upon you yet, machines cannot feel, are not embodied and can never know emotion.
Computers cannot interpret cultural nuances as lived in being. A computer cannot know what fear sounds like and feels. A computer cannot understand risk.
The idea that one can use AI to analyse text, speech, conversation, dialogue, discourse and unconscious semantics about risk, is a joke.
Myth, semiotics and culture are central the understanding of all forms of language. All belief is formed through myth and, myth is central to understanding what culture is. BTW, myth is never mentioned by any of the so-called culture experts in safety. Similarly, the centrality of religion is completely absent from any safety text on culture. Such is the ignorance of the safety industry on culture. Oh yes, and make sure you don’t talk about it.
When we understand the difference between myth, fable, folklore, lies, fairy-tale, literature, narrative and history, we begin to tackle the many complexities of how we communicate to each other.
Only those ignorant about mythology, confuse myth with fairy-tale. Only those with no idea of Historiography confuse dogma and data for History. Indeed, most of what is paraded about the safety industry as history is simply myth. Safety, like any religion creates its many myths in order to create its own reality and own truth about being. This is evidenced in this myth of language intelligence in this safety article. It is also evidenced in how HOP makes slogans ‘principles’ and in so doing, creates its own HOP myth.
If you want to understand more about the embodiment of language and how language is embodied you are welcome to join those undertaking the free module on Embodiment and Risk starting in February.
This positive and practical study blows away the many myths created by Safety and provides an alternative understanding that uses iCue Engagement methodology as a foundation for tackling risk. There are currently 40 registered with only places for just 10 more. Email: admin@cllr.com.au
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