How Many Safety Crusaders Does It Take To Change a Light Bulb?
I’m currently enjoying some banter on Rob Longs Safety Leadership Facebook Page which all started with a blown light bulb in a Coffee Shop. This is something that we do regularly at home without a second thought or need for a convoluted process. But what about at work? Safety Crusaders, of course, know more about these things than anybody and are experts on “Change Management” – LOL
I am ashamed to admit that in a past life I wrote a very lengthy procedure and toolbox talk for doing this which almost involved shutting down the whole operation to change a single light bulb!
When I was a kid I had a reading lamp on my bed head. The bulb blew one day so I took it out and went to get a new one – the light bulb cupboard was bare so I just chucked the old one out and waited for Mum to buy more. One morning I woke, reached up instinctively to turn on the light and stuck my hand straight into the live empty socket!!!! – Um kinda got a bit of a shock and some said that’s how I ended up with curly hair (yeah hard to believe now but I once had an awesome afro!).
Thoughts, reflections, stories, humorous ponderings…………..?
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