So often, those who are not sensitised to the nature of power only discover what it means when it affects them. The key to the perception of harm is an ethico-political sensibility to the nature of power. How amusing that the AIHS BoK Chapter on Ethics doesn’t even mention the word! This is symptomatic of an industry that delights in the abuse of power disguised as ‘good’.
Power is an Archetype just like Money, Zero and Safety and, has a life and energy of its own. When we personify these Archetypes ( we become much more aware of how they work. When we know that these energies take on a life of their own, then we can quickly see how sometimes the best of intentions backfire.
The recognition of Archetypes, their trajectories and their masks/deceptions, is a skill acquired through extensive education in Critical Discourse Analysis, Semiotics and Linguistics.
For example, the quest for no injuries is admirable but the absolutes of Zero always lead to brutalism and tyranny.
Power is always most effective when disguised in seemingly innocent and well-meaning intent, eg. Safety ( ). The best way to sell the acceptance of being over-powered is through Propaganda (another Archetype) and Indoctrination.
All of these Archetypes work together in collusion for a common outcome, group or individual and are always marketed through the language of what is ‘good’. The Apostle Paul was right when he stated to the Ephesians that we don’t fight flesh and blood but Principles and Powers. Principles are not slogans but rather ethico-political systemic propositions. Principles emerge from a worldview (philosophy) and always imply a method. For example, Justice, Compassion and Autonomy are principles.
So often, evil starts with a good idea. Nazism started with the idea of Nationalist ideals, no different than Trump’s brand ‘America First’ (
A good place to start in educating yourself about the nature of power is reading. Unless one reads outside of the bubble of safety texts, one is not likely to understand what Power is, who Power is and what Power does. Perhaps start with these:
Understanding Power, The Indispensable Chomsky
Education and Power
When the likes of Hopkins state that Safety has the right to over-ride the rights of others and cultures ( ), you know that Safety is completely desensitized to its own abuse of power.
Any Discourse such as this sanctions harm for others. This is the same kind of Imperialism that has been used by Empires over the centuries to harm others in the name of good.
Do you have any thoughts? Please share them below