Articles by Phil LaDuke
Debunking the Myth of The Inevitability of Injuries
Debunking the Myth of The Inevitability of Injuries Exclusive Guest Post By Phil La Duke Like this? More of Phil’s work here Recently I wrote a blog article that defending, ostensibly, zero-injury goals; it was a ruse, a bait and switch, a verbal slight of a hand. It’s not that I wanted to mislead anyone, […]
Forget Injuries—They Have Nothing to Do With Safety
<p><a href=""></a></p> <p>Forget Injuries—They Have Nothing to Do With Safety Latest blog by Phil LaDuke – see the whole post here Phil says: A while back I presented The Seventh Value at an international safety conference and after my talk a member of the audience challenged my assertion that the absence of injuries does not denote the […]</p> <p>Tagged as: <a href="">injuries</a>, <a href="">Safety</a>, <a href="">statistics</a></p> <p>{ <a href="">7 comments</a> }</p> <h4><a href="">Defending Zero-Injury Goals</a></h4> <p><a href=""><img alt="Depositphotos_32115919_xs_thumb.jpg" src="" /></a></p> <p>Stop Worrying About Injuries: Defending Zero-Injury Goals Ok I have been accused of being unfairly critical of zero harm goals and those who support them – guilty! But I would like to share this blog article by Phil LaDuke – only because Phil has managed to produce a well considered argument, not totally in support […]</p> <p> </p> <h4><a href="">If You Don’t Have Something Important To Say About Safety Then Shut Up</a></h4> <p><a href=""><img alt="Depositphotos_9613199_xs_thumb.jpg" src="" /></a></p> <p>If You Don’t Have Something Important To Say About Safety Then Shut Up   By Phil La Duke who says: What harm is there in talking about safety trivia? Plenty. In this week’s post I explore the dangers of pointless safety talks. I hope you will give it a read and let me know what […]</p> <p><a href="">At What Point Does Safety Become Overly Intrusive?</a></p> <p><a href=""><img alt="Depositphotos_7126182_xs_thumb.jpg" src="" /></a></p> <p>At What Point Does Safety Become Overly Intrusive? By Phil La Duke on his blog Phil says: Companies are beginning to recognize that the lifestyles of workers while off-the-clock can have profound influence on the company’s bottom line. More and more safety professionals are trying to push employees to take safety home, and from […]</p> <p> </p> <h4><a href="">10 New Year’s Resolutions for Safety Professionals</a></h4> <p><a href=""><img alt="Depositphotos_27809197_xs_thumb.jpg" src="" /></a></p> <p>10 New Year’s Resolutions for Safety Professionals By Phil LaDuke Phil says: I received so many requests to repost last year’s article on New Year’s Resolutions for Safety Professionals that I finally acquiesced. What do you think? Do these still make sense? How well have you (or the safety function in general) done in keeping […]</p> <p> </p> <h4><a href="">Why The Death Of George Robotham Matters</a></h4> <p><a href=""><img alt="Depositphotos_6463690_xs_thumb.jpg" src="" /></a></p> <p>Why The Death Of George Robotham Matters A great and fitting tribute to the late George Robotham – see his work here – Thanks heaps for doing this Phil. “A great talent and thinker in the world of safety left us this year. In this week’s post I explore why one man’s death matters.” By […]</p> <p> </p> <h4><a href="">Safety By Any Other Name</a></h4> <p><a href=""><img alt="Young engineer with pensive face and security helmet" src="" /></a></p> <p>Safety By Any Other Name – What is Safety I pondered the “What is Safety” question a few weeks ago and came up with this: What is safety? You might also enjoy: Ode To The Safety Professional In his latest blog Phil LaDuke discusses the facts and perceptions of role of the “Safety Person” Phil […]</p> <p> </p> <h4><a href="">What To Do: Updating Vestigial Practices</a></h4> <p><a href=""><img alt="image_thumb.png" src="" /></a></p> <p>What To Do: Updating Vestigial Practices By Phil LaDuke who says: Recently I wrote an article that suggested that we needed to end vestigial practices, i.e. those practices that our organizations continued to do even though they have long since ceased to add value or even make sense. After reading the article, several long-time readers […]</p> <p> </p> <h4><a href="">You Can’t Test Safety Competency With Your Crappy Tests</a></h4> <p><a href=""><img title="Depositphotos_7965468_xs" alt="Depositphotos_7965468_xs" src="" width="150" /></a></p> <p>You Can’t Test Safety Competency With Your Crappy Tests We have all sat through these "competency tests" and decided what a total and condescending waste of time they are!! Perhaps you have even put a few of these together? Great article on the issue by Phil La Duke – see it here on his blog […]</p> <h4><a href="">Injuries Happen When Workers Get Caught Between Official Way Versus the Real Way</a></h4> <p><a href=""><img alt="" src="" /></a></p> <p>Injuries Happen When Workers Get Caught Between Official Way Versus the Real Way Great article by Phil LaDuke about the realities of Workplace Safety – see it here By Phil La Duke “Every system is perfectly designed to get the results it gets.” -       Paul Batalden, M.D. There are two ways that things happen in […]</p> <h4><a href="">Working in the Line of Fire</a></h4> <p> </p> <p><a href=""><img alt="image" src="" /></a></p> <p>Working in the Line of Fire Latest Article by Phil LaDuke In this month’s The Safe Side (my column in Fabricating &metalworking magazine) I explore the puzzling and deadly world of working in the line of fire. It doesn’t matter how often we observe them, how much effort we make to raise awareness, or how […]</p> <h4><a href="">Transformational Safety – The Swindle Continues</a></h4> <p> </p> <p><a href=""><img alt="" src="" /></a></p> <p>Transformational Safety – The Swindle Continues….. Recent article by Phil La Duke on his blog: Phil Says: Last week while speaking at the National Safety Council’s Annual Expo and Congress I discovered an alarming trend. A veritable who’s who of BBS proponents have seemingly rebranded their offerings as as "transformational safety". The question isn’t […]</p> <h4><a href="">DEMING AND THE 14 POINTS OF WORKPLACE SAFETY</a></h4> <p> </p> <p>I cut my teeth in the manufacturing and construction industries and was introduced to the works of Deming at an early age. I got to meet the great man and his philosophies made absolute sense to me, helped by the fact that I knew of not many others. I never realised how powerful his stuff […]</p> <h4><a href="">Safety Professionals – We Are Our Own Worst Enemies</a></h4> <p><a href=""><img alt="smart safety" src="" /></a></p> <p>Safety Professionals – We Are Our Own Worst Enemies New article from Rockfordgreeneinternational’s Blog. and well worth a read Extract: “Making the workplace safer and improving overall working conditions is difficult, but the greatest threat to worker safety may be the very people charged with protecting workers.  While safety professionals whine about the lack of […]</p> <p>{ <a href="">6 comments</a> }</p> <h4><a href="">Focus on “Must Do” Behaviors Not “Don’t Do” Behaviors</a></h4> <p> </p> <p><a href=""><img alt="" src="" /></a></p> <p>Focus on “Must Do” Behaviors Not “Don’t Do” Behaviors Interesting article by Phil LaDuke When organizations try to change their cultures to one that places a higher value on worker safety they often focus on "thou shall not…" statements. In this post I focus on how the organizations with the highest positive performance tend to […]</p> <h4><a href="">Rules Only Protect People If Everyone Follows Them</a></h4> <p><a href=""><img alt="image" src="" /></a></p> <p>Rules Only Protect People If Everyone Follows Them By Phil La Duke – read it all here. MORE ARTICLES BY PHIL HERE Thou shalt not kill. People have been using rules to protect people since man left the primordial forest and walked up right for the first time. For people some rules are sacred—they are […]</p> <h4><a href="">Understanding the Causes of Injuries</a></h4> <p> </p> <p>Understanding the Causes of Injuries By Phil La Duke – see it HERE Perhaps the most over-looked step in making the workplace safer is an understanding of the nature of injuries.  It sounds simple—after all, isn’t this all just common sense? The nature of injuries may seem pretty obvious, but when you consider the many […]</p> <h4><a href="">Oh Would You PLEASE Shut the @#$& Up?</a></h4> <p>You loved his last article (well most of you did except the ones it was aimed at!) here is the latest exclusive from Phil La Duke. We publish his other provocative articles HERE and I highly recommend his blog: I’m just the messenger! ENJOY! Oh Would You PLEASE Shut the @#$& Up? I’d like […]</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Legitimizing Risk</strong></a></p> <p>Legitimizing Risk Latest article by Phil La Duke from More and more companies—faced with the difficult economic realities of the past years—have raised their tolerances of risk to new and dangerous heights. In this week’s post I look at how this trend developed and what, if anything can be done to reverse it. I […]</p> <h4><a href="">The Rise of The Safety Extremist</a></h4> <p><a href=""><img alt="" src="" /></a></p> <p>The Rise of The Safety Extremist Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and Social Networking allows us to share our opinions with thousands, perhaps millions of people we’ve never met. But what happens when one’s opinion foments extremism. It’s becoming a problem in safety. I’d like to hear your views on the matter, so please […]</p> <h4><a href="">Misleading Indicators</a></h4> <p> </p> <p><a href=""><img alt="" src="" /></a></p> <p>Misleading Indicators   “If you don’t know where you’re going, how do you know you aren’t already there?” By Phil La Duke on HIS BLOG Nearly every safety professional worth his or her salt has been told that he or she needs to look at both leading and lagging indicators; it’s good advice, in fact, […]</p> <h4><a href="">Applying Static Solutions to Dynamic Problems</a></h4> <p><a href=""><img alt="Hands chained in a chain" src="" /></a></p> <p>Applying Static Solutions to Dynamic Problems Latest article by Phil LaDuke on his blog Phil Says: “I started such a wild ruckus with my suggestion that near miss reporting wasn’t perfect, that I thought I would tackle something a bit less controversial (dealing with whack jobs for hours on end can be exhausting even […]</p> <h4><a href="">Near Miss Reporting</a></h4> <p> </p> <p>Recent article by Phil LaDuke on his Blog Phil says: "Near miss reporting is the Holy Grail of safety management, but is it really as valuable as people think? In this week’s post i take a look at whether or not this cherished part of safety is a waste of time and resources. As much […]</p> <h4><a href="">If It Feels Like Blame and Shame…It Is</a></h4> <p> </p> <p><a href=""><img alt="" src="" /></a></p> <p>If It Feels Like Blame and Shame…It Is   Latest article By Phil La Duke on his blog "One of the chief criticisms of Behaviour-Based Safety, that it blames workers for injuring themselves, isn’t taken all that seriously by its proponents; it should be. Read this article to find out why. And let me […]</p> <h4><a href="">The Biggest Threat To Worker Safety Might Be You and I</a></h4> <p> </p> <p>As per usual, I started quite a storm with my last post (Time for Safety People to Put Up or Shut Up) and have been hit with a stead barrage of safety professionals that react to my work like felt up prom dates. I am trying to make the point that all is not rosy […]</p> <h4><a href="">Time for Safety People To Step Up Or Shut Up</a></h4> <p> </p> <p>Time for Safety People To Step Up Or Shut Up New article “A @#$# Storm In Texas” by Phil LaDuke on his blog bound to put some noses out of joint! "There have been three workplace explosions since the one that left a still unknown number of people dead in West, Texas. Safety professionals need […]</p> <h4><a href="">Stop Wasting My Time and Your Money At Trade Shows</a></h4> <p> </p> <p>Safety Vendors: Stop Wasting My Time and Your Money At Trade Shows By Phil La Duke on his blog: Last week I presented Hardwiring Safety: 7 Tips for Changing Culture at the Michigan Safety Conference. The Michigan Safety Conference is one of the best organized, biggest and longest running regional safety training conference—in fact, […]</p> <h4><a href="">Phil La Duke is Full Of @#$%</a></h4> <p> </p> <p><a href=""><img alt="image" src="" /></a></p> <p>Phil La Duke is Full Of @#$% Great read by Phil LaDuke reflecting honestly and self critically on the last decade of his career and how his various epiphanies have determined his current values. Whether you agree with the title of the article or not it is damn hard to argue with its content!  Read […]</p> <p>{ <a href="">6 comments</a> }</p> <h4><a href="">Keep Your Head In the Game</a></h4> <p><a href=""><img alt="Depositphotos_8128522_xs" src="" /></a></p> <p>Keep Your Head In the Game By Phil La Duke After all the hoopla in the U.S. about the dangers of texting while driving, a new study has found yet another reason that people drive like fools. In a study released by the Erie Insurance Group 10% of all crashes were caused by “distracted” driver, […]</p> <h4><a href="">Setting The Record Straight–How Your Job Will Kill You</a></h4> <p>Setting The Record Straight – How Your Job Will Kill You After we published the article “How Your Job Will Kill You”, the author, Phil LaDuke, copped a bit of a barrage of flack from his fellow Safety Professionals. Here is his no punches pulled response – ENJOY! Check out Phil’s blog: Recently I […]</p> <p>{ <a href="">13 comments</a> }</p> <h4><a href="">Why I Pick On Safety Professionals</a></h4> <p><a href=""><img alt="" src="" /></a></p> <p>Why I continue to Pick On Safety Professionals. By Phil La Duke from his blog Whenever I post a blog entry or submit a guest blog entry the cries of injustice ring out.  “Why does he always pick on the safety professional? Doesn’t he know how hard we work? How under-valued we are? How […]</p> <h4><a href="">How Will Your Job Kill You</a></h4> <p><a href=""><img alt="iStock_000016871957XSmall" src="" /></a></p> <p>How Will Your Job Kill You? Exclusive by Phil La Duke. Check out his blog: If you die in on the job, statistically, it will be in a way that you probably don’t worry to much about. When it comes to safety, most of us exercise the most care protecting ourselves from the hazards […]</p> <p>{ <a href="">6 comments</a> }</p> <h4><a href="">The Greatest Threat To Safety Might Be Your Safety Training</a></h4> <p>The Greatest Threat To Safety Might Be Your Safety Training Latest article by By Phil La Duke on his blog: The training (both formally and informally) worker’s receive in the first 90 days tends to make the most lasting impression on how they will behave in the workplace. Are you training them to make […]</p> <p>{ <a href="">7 comments</a> }</p> <h4><a href="">Real Men (and Women) Report Injuries</a></h4> <p>Real Men (and Women) Report Injuries Latest article By Phil LaDuke who says: “Safety is about more than good training and awareness programs, it’s about how we are conditioned relative to injuries. Unfortunately, most workers come to the workplace with deep-seated conditioning about what is right and proper when one is responding to being injured. […]</p> <p> </p> <h4><a href="">Requiem for Prevention</a></h4> <p> Requiem for Prevention Latest article by Phil LaDuke on his blog. See it here": Extracts: I am a loud (some might say obnoxious) and ardent supporter of prevention.  In fact, I one of my core values is “Prevention is the key to sustainable safety.” So given my vocal advocacy of prevention, you might […]</p> <h4><a href="">Sanctimony Doesn’t Suit You: The High Moral Ground and Safety</a></h4> <p>Sanctimony Doesn’t Suit You: The High Moral Ground and Safety Latest exclusive By Phil La Duke – We publish Phil’s other provocative articles HERE. and I highly recommend his blog: “maybe if we stopped distancing ourselves from Operations we can actually get things done, and contribute something of substance” Last week I wrapped up […]</p> <p>{ <a href="">14 comments</a> }</p> <h4><a href="">Crying Over Spilt Milk; Mistakes Are Inevitable, Injuries Are Not</a></h4> <p>Crying Over Spilt Milk; Mistakes Are Inevitable, Injuries Are Not Adding another dimension to the ZERO HARM debate – recent article by Phil LaDuke – ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED HERE People make mistakes; it’s what makes us human.  The propensity for human error is practically embedded in our DNA. While the idiom holds that there is no […]</p> <h4><a href="">Couple of Interesting Articles by Phil LaDuke</a></h4> <p>Couple of Interesting Recent Articles by Phil LaDuke   63.28% of All Statistics are Made Up – I found this and thought you might be interested. An industry has grown up around HW Heinrich’s dubious research into the causes of injuries. His claim that 95% of all injuries have a behavioural element is widely quoted […]</p> <h4><a href="">Blind Leading the Blind</a></h4> <p>Blind Leading The Blind Latest article by Phil LaDuke So many studies have proven that eyewitness testimony is inaccurate. What does this say about incident investigations? In this week’s post on the Rockford Greene International blog I explore the how’s and whys of incident investigation. I would love it if you would give it a […]</p> <p>{ <a href="">2 comments</a> }</p> <h4><a href="">Risky Behaviour Is A Fact Of Life</a></h4> <p><a href=""><img alt="" src="" /></a></p> <p>Risky Behaviour Is A Fact Of Life Latest article by Phil LaDuke with a great reference to Rob Long’s book “Risk Makes Sense”. This is Phil’s 100th article and I have enjoyed every one of them – please take a moment to leave some feedback to tell him what you think. Read it here: […]</p> <h4><a href="">Are We Blundering Our Way Through Safety</a></h4> <p>Are We Blundering Our Way Through Safety? Some of the most series cognitive traps are evident in how the safety industry has evolved. In this week’s post I explore how Zachary Shore’s seven cognitive traps have shaped and continue to shape how the Safety function has gone off the rails. I hope you will give […]</p> <h4><a href="">Screw Ups: Errors Are Inevitable</a></h4> <p><a href=""><img alt="" src="" /></a></p> <p>Screw Ups: Errors Are Inevitable By Phil La Duke. See it here: “It’s an imperfect world”, “To err is human”, “That’s why we put erasers on pencils”.  When it comes to screwing up, choose your idiom. We as a global society readily acknowledge that perfection is impossible and yet look with murderous intent to […]</p> <p>{ <a href="">2 comments</a> }</p> <h4><a href="">More Great Stuff from Phil LaDuke</a></h4> <p>A DAY IN THE LIFE OF AN ERGONOMIST By Phil La Duke Utility Player: How human factors engineering is used to find the perfect balance of the concurrent priorities between manual labor productivity and worker health and safety. One of the fastest growing roles in the field of safety is the ergonomic specialist, or ergonomist. […]</p> <h4><a href="">Six Attitudes that Can Get You Killed</a></h4> <p><a href=""><img alt="safe behaviour" src="" /></a></p> <p>Six Attitudes that Can Get You Killed By Phil La Duke – originally posted HERE We talk a lot about behaviours in safety—whether you’re a proponent of Behavior Based Safety (BBS) or Just Culture how workers behave is of paramount concern to safety professionals.  But what about worker attitudes? Shouldn’t they be as much of […]</p> <h4><a href="">What Are The Alternatives to Behavior Based Safety</a></h4> <p>Recent post by Phil La Duke, long time opponent of the flawed BBS process. read more of Phil’s work HERE  What Are The Alternatives to Behaviour Based Safety Last week I posted yet another criticism of Behavior Based Safety (BBS) and it drew the following comment “Good morning Phil I hope all is well. The […]</p> <h4><a href="">Latest Articles by Phil LaDuke</a></h4> <p>Is BBS just BS? I know of a growing number of people who are increasingly disenchanted with BBS but they openly tell me that they will not publicly criticize it because of the fanatics who shout down all other opinions or research that does not support their world view. In my writing, I admit that […]</p> <h4><a href="">What to do when Senior Management won’t support Safety</a></h4> <p>Latest article by Phil LaDuke from Rockford Greene Blog. You can read more of Phil’s provocative articles HERE What to do when Senior Management won’t support Safety You know what needs to be done but there is no way you can do it with your dwindling resources. You worry that as more and more corners […]</p> <h4><a href="">What Is It That You Do Here?</a></h4> <p> </p> <p><a href=""><img alt="Health-and-Safety-Consultants_thumb.jpg" src="" /></a></p> <p>Latest exclusive article by Phil La Duke. In this article, Phil discusses a quandary that we have all had in this profession at one time or another, and in fact probably always will have! Personally, I still struggle with explaining what I do as there are so many perceptions and misconceptions about our role (See […]</p> <p>{ <a href="">3 comments</a> }</p> <h4><a href="">Safety Censorship</a></h4> <p>One of our guest Authors, Phil La Duke was unceremoniously dumped from a LinkedIn Forum (and Aussie one!) for daring to publish this article. It is heavy duty and provocative but one needs to look beyond taking it personally or getting offended (I would be concerned if I was offended by this) and at the […]</p> <p>{ <a href="">5 comments</a> }</p> <h4><a href="">When is Safe Safe Enough</a></h4> <p><a href=""><img alt="" src="" /></a></p> <p>Latest from Phil LaDuke – more here When is Safe Safe Enough? from Phil LaDuke’s Blog As is frequently the case, last week one of the editors of one of the premier safety public reached out to me (as well as a lot of other top safety professionals) to ask a question that he hoped […]</p> <h4><a href="">Phil La Duke To Deliver Two Presentations</a></h4> <p>Our Guest Blogger Phil La Duke To Deliver Two Presentations at the 2012 Michigan Safety Conference The acclaimed blogger, writer, speaker and safety expert to speak at the April event. SEE HIS BLOGS HERE PRLog (Press Release) – Jan 18, 2012 – (Monroe, MI) Rockford Greene International announced today that internationally respected author and speaker, […]</p> <h4><a href="">The Safety Generalist</a></h4> <p>The Safety Generalist Latest article by from Phil La Duke from his regular column in fabricating and metalworking online magazine. Phil is starting a series of articles that take a look at the various safety specialties. He starts with the Safety Generalist. We publish his other provocative articles HERE More of his Fabricating and metalworking […]</p> <h4><a href="">Success Is All About How You Show Up</a></h4> <p>Following a torrent of abuse from some recent articles which touched a nerve and hit a tad too close to home for some, Phil and I have been lying low!. Til’ now….here is the latest exclusive from Phil La Duke. We publish his other provocative articles HERE and I highly recommend his blog: I’m […]</p> <p>{ <a href="">3 comments</a> }</p> <h4><a href="">Effective Hazard Management</a></h4> <p> </p> <p><a href=""><img alt="" src="" /></a></p> <p>One of the best and most succinct intros to effective hazard management that I have come across. Written by Phil La Duke – see more of his articles here: Phil LaDuke Effective Hazard Management: The First Step To A Safer Work Place By Phil La Duke from his blog:  Those of you who’ve just […]</p> <p>{ <a href="">8 comments</a> }</p> <h4><a href="">La Duke’s 14 Points for Safety</a></h4> <p> </p> <p><a href=""><img alt="image" src="" /></a></p> <p>La Duke’s 14 Points for Safety Since my meeting with the great man W. Edward Deming just before he passed away and my experience and success with applying the principles of TQM to all aspects of running a business, it has always struck me as odd that Safety People don’t adopt the same philosophies??? Phil […]</p> <h4><a href="">Safety Censorship</a></h4> <p> </p> <p><a href=""><img alt="safety censorship" src="" /></a></p> <p>Safety Censorship One of our guest authors has found himself the victim of “safety censorship”. His articles have proven to be provocative yet extremely thought provoking and usually aimed at the very people who would try to argue with him or, in this case, shut him down. For the most case, the readers of this […]</p> <h4><a href="">Jargon Killed the Astronauts</a></h4> <p>Phil LaDuke joins our panel of renown and highly respected safety writers including, Dr Rob Long, Bill Sims Jr and George Robotham. Everyone has enjoyed his previous articles (HERE). This is Phil’s latest article and provided exclusively to us. It is a much more sombre and less provocative than his previous work but one that […]</p> <p>{ <a href="">7 comments</a> }</p> <h4><a href="">Arrogant Safety Professionals Take Note!</a></h4> <p> </p> <p><a href=""><img alt="image" src="" /></a></p> <p>I always have a chuckle when safety people try to make out they are so clever and above everyone else by putting all these stupid letters after their names. Blokes on site have a great time making up derogatory interpretations of those acronyms – particularly juicy letters like F, W, C, S & P (did […]</p> <p>{ <a href="">37 comments</a> }</p> <h4><a href="">Safety Professionals Prepare for an Uncertain Future</a></h4> <p>PREPARING FOR AN UNCERTAIN FUTURE: WHAT TOMORROW’S SAFETY PROFESSIONAL SHOULD BE STUDYING TODAY Recent Article published by By Phil La Duke on the Fabricating and Metalworking Website. We will be publishing more of Phil’s insightful articles, in the near future, HERE. In a dynamic business environment, the decisions one makes today can have a profound […]
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