A Different Twist To Health & Safety
Guest Post by the late George Robotham
I listened to indigenous healer Don Tolman on 98.9 FM Indigenous Radio yesterday. He was certainly a zealot, zealots usually enthuse or worry me, I suspect he did a bit of both.
Some of his messages were-
He claims considerable success in treating a wide range of disease through natural diet.
Drink lots of water as it improves cognitive function and inhibits the development of mental health issues. Experienced facilitators of learning advise having water and fruit available in the training room will enhance learning. Avoid alcohol, tea, coffee, sweet soft drink and sugar free soft drinks.
Eat unprocessed foods.
Avoid sugar.
Eat moderate amounts of fruit.
Have lots of vegetables particularly root vegetables (You will get the sugar the body needs from fruit and vegetables)
Asparagus has amazing powers in treating cancer.
Both type1 and type 2 diabetes can be controlled with diet.
Be gentle with yourself and others. Work on your relationships with others.
Give up the smokes
Get moderate amounts of sunshine
Do a lot of walking
He was very critical of the role of modern pharmaceuticals claiming better effects can be had with diet, I reckon he lost a few brownie points with me on this.
He was very critical of the role of modern medical treatment, this seemed a bit unbalanced to me.
He claimed health benefits with fasting, this did not seem all that convincing to me.
I am sure some doctors and chemists would have problems with some of the things Tolman says. Some of what he says makes sense to me. If you put Don Tolman into Google you will pick up a number of sites. I must admit the overtly commercial nature of the sites did not leave a good impression with me.
My general observation is that we should not close our eyes to alternative ways of thinking about health.
Do you have any thoughts? Please share them below