Time to Lose the Illogical Chants and Support New Evidence-Based Safety Axioms
Excellent article by Alan Quilley recently posted HERE
We’re quickly approaching 2016, almost 90 years after Heinrich created some axioms about safety that have mostly proven themselves to be false or needing some serious alteration. So let’s start 2016 with some reality based axioms that make sense. Happy Reading!
The NEW Safety Axioms for the 21 Century
1) We can create Common Knowledge but Common Sense doesn’t exist now nor ever did!
2) All Accidents can’t be prevented but safety can be created with high reliability! Harmful Energy can be controlled both physically and behaviourally.
3) Zero Perfection Targets of all kinds are illogical and frustrating but Safety Excellence Is achievable and inspiring!
4) One cannot have an incident without both unsafe acts AND unsafe conditions. We need to manage both!
5) Safety can be truly created WITH workers and fails predictably when we try to do safety TO workers. Safety is Personal!
6) Safety isn’t #1 – Safe Production of goods and services is #1. There is no need to put production and safety in competition.
7) Safety can be measured and managed. Incident/injury data is a very poor and unreliable measure of safety.
8) We need Management Activity to help create safety. Management Commitment is NOT enough.
9) Workers are the best safety leaders NOT supervisors. Give them a chance to lead. Then get out of their way!
https://safetyrisk.net/same-old-safety-meetings-make-them-different/, https://safetyrisk.net/get-out-of-their-way/
10) Safety isn’t about prohibiting acts and firing people for non-compliance it’s about making safely the best way to do a job.
There you have it. Bottom line is STOP preventing and start creating! Best of all…there is NOTHING holding you back from starting RIGHT NOW!
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