Aged Care Workplace Safety
National Guide for Aged Care 2013/14 – Released
How best to handle patients, residents and clients in health, aged care, rehabilitation and disability services is important for reducing the effects manual handling and the potential risk of musculoskeletal injury. The newest guide released by Pro-Visual Publishing for the Aged Care sector, National Guide for Aged Care 2013/14, includes steps and advice on correct handling procedures and best practices. In association with the Leading Aged Services of Australia, this guide has been distributed to residential and aged care facilitators and carers across Australia.
This guide outlines the steps and responsibilities workers have within this industry to assist their patients with transferring and repositioning, helping if they have fallen as well as aiding them when transporting patients and residents to and from the toilet or shower. Care is important, it is equally important for nurses, carers, and facilitators to assess the risks involved whilst assessing the physical environment. Nurses are especially prone to manual handling injuries. It is therefore imperative that all residential and aged care nurses are aware of the risks involved in their workplace.
“I would like to thank all of the sponsors of the National Guide for Aged Care 2013/14. Their support has made it possible for the guide to be distributed free of charge”, said John Hutchings, CEO, Pro-Visual Publishing.
Pro-Visual Publishing is the leading specialist in wall-mounted workplace health & safety, food safety & hygiene and health and wellbeing information resource charts. Each chart is practical and informative, providing a quick reference point for management and staff. Pro-Visual Publishing’s charts are designed to inform, motivate, educate and above all keep people and their workplaces safe!
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