Requests for workshops are already coming in for 2025. First cab off the rank and with 18 registered already is the Embodiment and Risk Module:
You can register here: and the cost for the 5-session series is $250 (aus). Each session runs for 60 minutes.
The workshop is being conducted by Dr Robert Long and Dr Nippin Anand.
The workshop series commences at 7am Tuesday February 2025 and continues for 4 more sessions.
About Embodiment
The idea of the disembodied person is maintained by a brain-centric approach to understanding persons. There is no evidence for this perspective. This is anchored in 17th century Cartesian thinking.
Human being is not about a body/carcass being driven by a computer-like brain. This metaphor and idea, is not supported by any research. On the other hand, research for the human as embodied person is overwhelming. I have written about this before:
Some essential reading/research is here:
A good example of embodied memory research was published yesterday:
We also know that the gut and heart are described by extensive research as the second and third ‘brain’. The Mind is not the brain and most human decision making is NOT made in the brain. Indeed, the brain most often catches up in knowing what the body does after the body tells it to coordinate with other body parts.
Why is this relevant for risk and safety? Well, so much of safety training is caught up in brain-centric thinking but this doesn’t represent how decisions are made. Human ‘being’ is not anchored to the brain ( and decision making is 95% unconscious. The implications for how we practice safety is critical.
This reality ought to change the whole way we practice safety and how we understand human judgment and decision making. This is why I published my first book Risk Makes Sense, Human Judgement and Decision making 12 years ago. You can download it for free, along with all the other books in the series here:
Do you have any thoughts? Please share them below