Funny Safety Pictures and Photos YOU REALLY SHOULD READ OUR ARTICLE ABOUT WHY WE LOVE TO LOOK AT STUPID SAFETY PHOTOS AND VIDEOS. Read it here............ HUGE COLLECTION OF FUNNY SAFETY PHOTOS TOON CLIPART - choose from thousands of great cartoon images for use on websites, newsletters, … [Read more...] about Funny Safety Pictures and Photos
Safety Pictures
Do Scare Tactics Work?
Do Scare Tactics Work? We are sometimes tempted to try to shock and scare people into working more safely. The search term “gory accident photos” is one of the most popular search terms used to find this website (see them HERE if you must) . The question is: does it work? In this week's post to the … [Read more...] about Do Scare Tactics Work?
Absolute Shocker of the Week
Absolute Shocker of the Week Guest Post By Dr Rob Long – see more of his articles HERE Isn’t it amazing how people in the safety profession think it is wonderful to parade photo-shopped images of people being illogical, irrational and nonsensical? It primes the population with the idea that … [Read more...] about Absolute Shocker of the Week
Chinese Dentist
Chinese Dentist Alleyway in Downtown Beijing! Time: Tooth-Hurty. I’ve just returned from a trip to China. I saw some amazing things and the people are wonderful. As far as safety goes, they may do things a little differently to what we are used to but my impression was that without relying … [Read more...] about Chinese Dentist
Chinese Hairdresser
Chinese Hairdresser – Downtown Beijing! … [Read more...] about Chinese Hairdresser
Health and Safety Overkill
Health and Safety Overkill You will also love our "THIS TOASTER IS HOT" page In searching for more ammunition to fight my “OHS is Bull$#/t” Cause (see recent article). I came across this gem on the Workplace Law Bookshop Website: "In a culture where £200 is spent on teaching employees how to make … [Read more...] about Health and Safety Overkill
Safety Gets Dumber
Safety Gets Dumber Another one for our HOT TOASTER PAGE. This sign was photographed by a reader in the room of a major city Hotel. I know that some people are concerned about picking up nasties like tinea and planters warts from public showers. When I was in the Army we showered in thongs … [Read more...] about Safety Gets Dumber
So Which Is The Greater Safety Risk?
So Which Is The Greater Safety Risk? When people see photos of the walking trail to the tea house 2,160 m (7,087 ft) up on the southern peak of Mt. Huashan in China, they react with OMG!, No way!, That would never happen here!. But, on any morning on any weekday in any modern western city, how many … [Read more...] about So Which Is The Greater Safety Risk?
If only Jesus was a Safety Guy
If only Jesus was a Safety Guy - an out of control and unnecessary discussion This photo and headline was posted recently on the OSHA Linkedin discussion group (see it here). The original intent was simply to post a humorous UnSafety photo, typical of the thousands of others doing the … [Read more...] about If only Jesus was a Safety Guy
Know the height of your load
Know the height of your load … [Read more...] about Know the height of your load