Safety Entitlement and Compulsory Safety Mis-Education Image Source As things continue to remain unchanged in the safety sphere safety people turn to the schooling system for the next bite at the cherry. Publication of injury statistics of young workers injured at work always seems to spark the … [Read more...] about Safety Entitlement and Compulsory Safety Mis-Education
binary thinking
Predictably Arational, Safety as a Superstition
Predictably Arational, Safety as a Superstition One of the most annoying things about Daniel Ariely's book Predictably Irrational is that it allows risk and safety people to dismiss aspects of human decision making as stupid when they are not. The framing of the word ‘irrational’ is simply … [Read more...] about Predictably Arational, Safety as a Superstition
The Binary Barnacle
The Binary Barnacle Binary Opposition and the logic of safety “How many people do you want to injure today…..?” A barnacle is marine crustacean that attaches itself permanently to something else. It can be cut off but its attachment is so fused into the object that it damages the host in … [Read more...] about The Binary Barnacle
Safety Crusaders Shutdown
Safety Crusaders Shutdown So impressed to see a recent Safety Spud Head debate on Linkedin, initially latched on to and fuelled by the Safety Crusaders (See: Are You a Safety Crusader or a Safety Leader), then totally shutdown and owned by the impressive points made by Safety Leaders who get it and … [Read more...] about Safety Crusaders Shutdown