Simple Risk Assessment Software
May 15, 2011 [edit] Our Free Electronic Risk Score Calculator today celebrated a major milestone: 100,000 downloads! Get yours here: // This simple risk assessment software can be used to instantly calculate the risk score based on various criteria such as Probability, Exposure and Consequence. Each of these variables can be altered to by sliding the pointer with your […]
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ISO 31000 and Enterprise Risk Management
January 12, 2011 [edit]
After the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) introduced the “Risk Management: Principles and Guidelines on Implementation” (also known as the ISO 31000) in 2009, the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) updated their Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) standards written in 2004 to reflect new information introduced in the ISO 31000. COSO has […]
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ISO 31000 Free Downloads
December 8, 2010 [edit]
// The Institute of Risk Management have released a new free document: ‘A Structured Approach to Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) and the Requirements of ISO 31000′ it has been produced by IRM, AIRMIC and Alarm. This provides up to date and practical guidance on the implementation of the new ISO standard. Download here Following the […]
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A Quick Guide to Risk Management
October 16, 2010 [edit]
A Quick Guide to Risk Management By Sam Miller We cannot deny that we are in a world where risk is something that we cannot avoid. Risk is everywhere no matter what you do and wherever you may be. When it comes to business, risk is something that has to be dealt with successfully. This […]
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31000-2009 Risk Management Standard
October 14, 2010 [edit]
In November 2009, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) introduced the ISO 31000:2009 Risk Management Standard. The standard provides universally accepted guidelines about generic risk management processes. The Risk Management Standard is intended to replace the many differing standards, which stretch across industries, regions, and subjects. Including information on both the ISO Catalogue and the […]
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Risk Assessment Shooting Tigers ISO 31000
September 30, 2010 [edit]
Risk Assessment Shooting Tigers
New book on risk assessment
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IIA Australia on ISO 31000 – Introducing a New Global Standard on Risk Management (Part A)
September 24, 2010 [edit]
IIA Australia on ISO 31000 – Introducing a New Global Standard on Risk Management (Part A)
Michael Parkinson, Chairman of IIA Australia’s Technic…
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July 24, 2010 [edit]
// The Sarbanes-Oxley Act imposes various governance, accounting and reporting standards on US public companies and their subsidiaries. It also applies to Australian and other non-US companies issuing and registering securities in the US.. Sarbanes-Oxley requires that companies use a suitable, recognized control framework for evaluating the effectiveness of internal controls. Most U.S. companies now […]
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Risk Management Training
July 24, 2010 [edit]
// I had a chance the other day to sit in on an Introduction to Risk Management Course being run at a clients premises. The trainer was a consultant from InConsult. It was one of the most interesting courses Ive attended for some time and there was not one bored face or Blackberry in the […]
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Free guide to implementing ISO 31000
June 23, 2010 [edit]
// Following the publication of the ISO 31000 Risk Management Principles and Guidelines in 2009 a new document ‘A Structured Approach to Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) and the Requirements of ISO 31000′ has been produced by The Institute of Risk Management, AIRMIC and Alarm which provide up to date guidance on the implementation of ERM […]
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The New Risk Management Standard ISO 31000
June 23, 2010 [edit]
// Do you need to implement the new international Standard for Risk Management ISO 31000? The new international standard for risk management, ISO 31000 was published by the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) in November 2009. ISO 31000 replaces and builds on AS/NZS 4360 (the Australian standard first published in 2004) to provide more practical, […]
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as/nzs iso 31000 free pdf
May 8, 2010 [edit]
// Everybody is asking for a free copy of the new risk management standard ISO 31000. We are looking for one as well and as soon as we can get one legally, we’ll post it here. You can down load a free 9 page summary Here: Until then you will have to buy a copy […]
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New Risk Management Standard AS/NZS ISO 31000
May 3, 2010 [edit]
// The new international Risk Management Standard ISO 31000:2009 was released by the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) on 15 November 2009. It has been four years since the ISO established a working party to develop the first international risk management standard using AS/NZS 4360:2004 as its working draft. The joint Australian/New Zealand Standards Committee […]
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ISO 31000 Risk Management Standard
May 2, 2010 [edit]
// After 5 years of development, the Risk Management Standard, AS/NZS 4360:2004 has been superseded by AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009, Risk management – Principles and guidelines. The standard gives users an understanding of how to develop, implement and maintain effective risk management within their organization. It provides recommendations for the framework, process and implementation of risk […]
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