Example Contractor Safety Management Procedure
This standard provides requirements which Company managers, supervisors, contractors and subcontractors must meet and follow when engaged by Company for any work. Company’s objective is for contractors to be working to a satisfactory standard meeting all Company and legislative requirements.
This standard is for all contractors providing services to Company whether on a long term or short term basis.
Note: Failure to comply with the requirements of this standard by the contractor or subcontractor may result in termination of the contract.
What Is Company’s Contractor Management System?
Company is committed to the management of health and safety for both Company employees and all contractors engaged by Company, or those working on Company sites or in the public domain. This standard provides the health and safety guidelines that all parties must follow to ensure OHS is managed during the course of business. Company’s Contractor Management system is a process of pre work assessment of contractor’s OHS management, approval to undertake work for Company and the ongoing checking, auditing and monitoring of contractors OHS management performance. Company’s Contractor management system is designed to enable sharing of information and continuous improvement.
What Does Company’s Contractor Management System Aim To Achieve?
Through the application of the Contract Management System, Company aims;
- Provide a safe and healthy workplace and systems of work that prevent reduce risk of illness and injury equally for employees and contractors
- to provide a practical, consistent and relevant system for Company staff managing and overseeing the work of contractors and/or their sub-contractors
- to integrate OHS requirements into contractor management
- fulfil Company’s OHS legal requirements to ourselves and to contactors
Principal Contractor
A person who is appointed to manage, coordinate and/or implement the work or service involved in the contract and/or any subcontractor.
A person or company(s), including subcontractors, who are engaged by Company Transport to perform work or carry out a service.
Short term contractor – where contractors carry out a specific task in a short period of time , e.g. forklift repairs, electrical repairs; plumbing repairs completed in a period hours or a day.
Long term contractor – where contractors are engaged on a full time or regular part time basis to carry out tasks which are integrated with the business, e.g. subcontract drivers, container refrigeration maintenance completed in a period of greater than one day
Roles and Responsibilities
Company Managers and Supervisors are responsible for:
- the implementation of this standard in their area of responsibility and accountability or where they have engaged a contractor
- pre contract assessment and approval (where granted) of contractor OHS management.
- Establishing a approved contactor list.
- the scheduling and completion of contractors OHS Induction.
- the management of contractors in relation to site specific hazards and ensuring contractor’s proposed work methods do not place themselves and/or Company employees at risk
- advising the relevant Manager/Supervisor when the work will be conducted in the workplace.
- Checking, monitoring and auditing contractors performance and documentation.
- Applying the respective contractor disciplinary processes when required.
Company employees are responsible for:
- not placing themselves or contractors at risk of injury
- assist contractors where required to develop, implement or work around safe work practices
- reporting non complying work methods of contractors to Company managment
Contractors are responsible for:
- complying with Contractor Management Standard
- providing OHS information to Company that is relevant to the contract when requested.
- developing site-specific procedures relevant to site hazards and work activities at the site
- successfully completing Company’s OHS Induction
- not placing themselves or others at risk of injury
- working in accordance Company OHS standards, procedures and practices where required
- reporting any incidents, injuries or non compliances to Company Management
- completing the Contractor Permit to Work in accordance with this procedure
- taking part in Company Contractor Audits
The following procedures must be followed when engaging a contractor or subcontractor.
(a) Contractor OHS Management. Contractors must provide details of their OHS management structure, OHS record and their technical and commercial ability, for consideration when their suitability for the work is assessed.
(b) Documented OHS Requirements. The written contract, or in short term cases, in a letter of engagement to carry out the specific task, both must include commitment to meet contactor’s own OHS management standards and a reference to meeting Company’s OHS standards. In the case of a contractor not having their own OHS standards, a commitment to apply and meet Company’s OHS standards is satisfactory. (Chris does this read okay??? I think we are on the same mind path.)
(c) Insurances, Licences, Registrations & Certificates. The Company manager or supervisor must ensure that contractor’s or subcontractor’s employees possess the insurances, licences, registrations and certificates required by Federal, State or local legislation.
(d) Pre-Work OHS Induction. Before work is commenced, the Company manager or supervisor will organise for the Company OHS induction training to be completed. Contractors and sub-contractors are not permitted to start work until the Company OHS Induction is successfully completed.
(e) Safe Work Procedures. Where applicable, copies of Company’s written safe work procedures must be given to the contractors. Particular attention must be paid to lockout or tag-out procedures. Copies of the contractor’s written safe work procedures must be provided prior to any work being undertaken. If contractors are undertaking Company’s standard work tasks, Company’s procedures can be utilised by the contractor.
(f) Supervision. The Company manager must arrange for the work of the contractor or subcontractor to be monitored to ensure their compliance with contractors documentations, safe work procedures, Company standards and procedures, maintenance and correct use of tools or equipment and observance of good housekeeping.
(g) Feedback. If the contractor or subcontractor is not working to expected OHS standards, the manager or supervisor must discuss the deficiencies with the persons concerned and work with the contractor to resolve the problems. At the completion of works or contract, where appropriate feedback is to be provided to the contractor on their OHS performance.
(h) Reporting Incidents, Injuries and Property Damage. Contractors, subcontractors, or any other persons must be advised during Company’s OHS Induction that all incidents, injuries or damage to property must be reported to the relevant Company person on site, e.g. manager or supervisor. Contractors who fail to meet the reporting standard will be subjected to Company’s disciplinary processes.
(i) Emergency Procedures. Emergency procedures must be explained to contractors and subcontractors during Company’s OHS Induction. Contractors and subcontractors will be required to take part in practice drills should they occur when the contractor or subcontractor is on site. If the contractor is undertaking any tasks, or brings onto site any tools/equipment or product that may affect the site’s emergency management, Company is to be notified prior to works to allow for a risk management strategy to be developed.
(j) Environmental Protection. Company’s environmental standards must be clearly outlined prior to contractor engagement with the contractor or subcontractor having a understanding that strict adherence to these standards is required. This applies to, but not limited to: noise, dust, gas or fume emissions, water management, spillages and preservation of the local ecology. In other words, don’t spill or kill bloody anything or Chris Curnow will rip your toe nails off!!!!
(k) Property Security. Contractors, subcontractors or other persons must be made aware that they will be responsible for the security of their own property while on site.
(L) Drug and Alcohol Policy. Contractors and subcontractors will be made aware of the details and the requirement to meet Company’s Drug and Alcohol Standard during Company’s OHS Induction. Any person found to be not conforming with the Drug and Alcohol Standard will be immediately removed for the workplace and will be subjected to the Company disciplinary processes.
Short Term Work on Site
In addition to the points detailed above, consideration must be given to the following standard work procedures that may be relevant to the contractor and their employees:
- required permits, e.g. hot work, entry into confined spaces
- electrical isolation
- lockout and tag-out
- chemical handling
- manual handling
- housekeeping
- use of personal protective equipment
- use of tools
- use of scaffolds and elevated platforms
- working at elevated levels, e.g. Roofs
- industrial gases
- disposal of waste and spills
- compliance with Company’s emergency procedures and Site Emergency Management Plans.
Copies of these, if deemed relevant, can be given to the contractor or subcontractor
Long Term Contractors
Long term contractors are an integral part of Company’s business. Long term contractors are to have their own OHS Management System and standards that are equal to or greater than Company’s standards, or in the case of a long term contactor not having such standards, the agreement and application of Company’s OHS Standards is satisfactory.
As well as the general OHS requirements outlined above, the following procedures are to be observed.
(a) Written Contract. A long term contractor’s contract must include more than a directive to ‘work safely’. The contract must detail all the requirements of OHS compliance, methodology of work (subject to changes) and include the points (b) to (j) detailed below.
(b) OHS Induction. A long term contractor must be given a full site specific OHS Induction training program as would be provided for a Company employee.
(c) Routine Health Surveillance. If a specific hazard is identified where risk of illness or injury to a person may be a consequence due to exposure, a risk assessment must be undertaken. The risk assessment is to determine the requirements to schedule health surveillance. If there is any doubt, Company Management are to be consulted to reach solution.
(d) OHS Committee. It is essential that contractor’s input and involvement with health and safety issues is sought and are invited were appropriate to be represented on State OHS committees.
(e) Safe Working Procedures. As well as ensuring that long term contractors are conversant with all relevant safework procedures. It is essential that contractor’s input is sought when procedures that relate to their work are to be changed or developed. Particular emphasis must be given to lockout and tag-out procedures or workplaces of high risk ie freezer and chiller locations.
(f) Emergency Procedures. Long term contractors must be fully conversant with Company’s emergency procedures and take part in any practice drills. If the contractor is undertaking any tasks, or brings onto site any tools/equipment or product that may affect the site’s emergency management, Company is to be notified prior to works to allow for a risk management strategy to be developed.
(g) Personal Protective Equipment. All contractors are required to wear the mandatory personal protective equipment. Contractors are to further wear any PPE as detailedin their own safe work practices or risk assessments.
(h) Incidents, Injuries and Property Damage. As well as the requirement to report incidents, injuries and property damage as outlined in the General Requirements above, such incidents involving contractors must be the subject of a full investigation. Company’s Incident Investigation Standard is to be applied.
The investigation team may involve a Company representative, this is to be decided on case by case basis, otherwise it is the responsibility of the contractor to complete the investigation (it is assumed that a Company representative will be involved in most incident investigations). The root cause of the incident is to the aim of the investigation. On identification of the incident root cause and any other gaps, risk controls are to be determined and implemented to prevent a recurrence.
Any reported incident must be included in OHS committee agenda for review.
(i) Injury Management. Despite the fact contractors have their own workplace injury insurances, Company can assist with the management of injuries and return to work. Support and counselling can be provided by Company following serious incidents, and assistance to managers if impaired performance becomes a problem.
(j) OHS Training and Instruction. When undertaking a training needs analysis, contractors are considered and will be included were assessed as necessary. Contractors will be included in any training that is required to meet Company or legislative requirements. Records of contractors training provided by Company will be maintained by Company. If a contractor has completed the required training external to Company, training records will be requested by Company.
Responsibilities Summary
SMS related activity | OHS Committee | Management | Employ-ees | Contractors |
?????? | ||||
Structure of the Company Contractor Management System
The Company Contractor Management System consists of the following associated tools (documents).
- Contractor OHS Induction Checklist
- Contractor Induction Register
- Contractor’s Agreement – (Long Term)
- Contractor’s Permit To Work – (Short Term)
- Contractor’s OHS Performance Report
?????? is this section missing
How Company will Manage contractors on site
During the contract work Company must monitor for compliance with the plan and ensure unforeseen issues are addressed promptly. Company will:
· Monitor the work
· Require appropriate documentation
· Audit work against plan
· Manage new hazards
· Manage incidents
· Assess risk before handover
Monitor the work
Self-assessment is encouraged and supported by Company. Company will ensure the monitoring will:
- Not be a ‘policing’ role
- Check compliance to relevant legislation
- Check adherence to standards and controls
- Check adherence to H&S action plan
- Check continuing hazard studies as necessary
- Ensure opportunities to develop cooperation
- Maintain good community relations with contractor
Monitoring Contractor’s OHS Performance
Extent of Company’s supervision will be influenced by:
- Level of risk
- Complexity of tasks
- Organisational control of the workplace
- Interaction with other parties and works on site
- Duration of works
Monitoring & SupervisionKey Steps Company will Apply
- Review monitor and supervise contractors by OHS documents
- Regular site inspections
- Provide advice on risks & non-compliance
- Reviewing OHS performance
- Ensuring corrective action taken
- Integrate OHS in review meetings
Monitoring & Supervision of Documentation
Regular review of contractor OHS documentation will include:
- OHS Induction records
- Plant/maintenance records
- Health & safety inspection reports
- Risk assessment documents
- Employee training/competency records
- Safety meeting minutes
Company will Ensure Corrective Action is taken by:
- Issue non-conformance report
- Review/confirm corrective action implemented
- Issue of formal notice when action not taken:
– suspend work
– terminate contract
Work Contract Records
- Systematic approach to record keeping
- Demonstrates due diligence
- Important in case of serious incident
- Non – conformance & corrective action records are important
Company will Complete close out report
Create documentation to be completed at the end of each contract
This will include:
- Records H&S statistics
- Records incident data
- Reviews contractor’s performance
Consider issues of legal liability and word the form accordingly
Company to Decide whether to use contractor again
If there have been problems in the contractor’s H&S performance, then ensure that improvements are implemented before further work is conducted.
If the contractor has demonstrated unsatisfactory and/or shown lack of improvement, do not engage contractor.
- 12 month Review
Training and Competencies
- Company OHS Induction Program
Forms and Resources
All Company OHS Management Standards and Tools
AS/NZS4801 OHS Management Systems
Workplace Health and Safety Act 1995 (Qld)
Occupational Health and Safety Act 2000 (NSW)
Occupational Health Safety Regulations 2001 (NSW)
Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act 2004 (Vic)
Occupational Health and Safety Act 1984 (WA)
Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Act 1986 (SA)
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