Eight Steps to Writing the Workplace Safety Speech
Writing an engaging Safety Speech can be Tricky. This New Report reveals the Key Steps behind writing a convincing Workplace Safety Speech.
Melbourne, Australia (11 April, 2012) – Digicast Productions, a safety and induction training video production house, today released a new white paper “Eight Steps to writing the Workplace Safety Speech”.
Effective communication is vital to get staff and contractors aligned and working towards a positive safety culture. Yet, trying to engage your workforce about a new safety initiative through a safety speech is not easy. How we communicate about safety influences whether or not people will accept or reject our safety messages.
The main objective of any safety speech is to motivate staff to take safety seriously and to change behaviour. But how do you encourage behaviour change in a workplace speech?
Written for CEO’s, senior executives, safety professionals and communication professionals, find out how in this exclusive white paper, which looks at:
- The secret to developing an emotional connection to your audience
- How to communicate to the left brain, right brain and whole brain
- 3 steps to structuring your safety speech
For a complete copy of the whitepaper, that also includes a free Safety Speech checklist, visit http://info.digicast.com.au/safety-speech/
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